Some Interesting Facts about Technology that will leave you amazed.

Technology has always attracted mankind and reduced their workload, but do you know there are some interesting facts about technology that would really leave you shocked. 

So, hold on to your seat, as you are going to know about some of the most interesting facts about the technology. Some of them are fun, some are scary, and some are nail-biting.

Let's ride the roller coaster from, how dangerous the first computer virus was, to the modern-day Artificial intelligence that can predict pandemics.

25 Interesting facts about Technology that will leave you amazed.

Technology is evolving at a rapid pace, but we should never forget the start. So, here are 25 interesting facts about technology.

1. Which animal is in the Firefox logo?

Yeah!, the animal in the logo of firefox is actually not a fox. The name being Firefox doesn't really mean to imply in the logo.

Well, the lovely animal is actually a Red Panda!

2. Domain Name Registration was once free of cost.

How lucky would be those days!
Yes, the extensions that you find in the name of a website( .com, .co, .net, .in, .org...etc..) was free.

This was the era when people had no idea how big the internet was going to be.

Domain name registration was free up to 1995, but when the price was imported, it went up to 100$ for a two-year registration.

3. How did the apple's first logo look like?

That's exactly how an Apple logo looked like. 

Apple logo featured, Sir Issac Newton sitting beneath an apple tree with an apple just about to hit his head. This is an interesting fact.

4. Is Robot a fair name?

The word 'Robot' actually comes from 'Robota', a Czech Playwright which means 'Forced Labour'. The word was used in the play to refer to a fictional humanoid.

5. What was the size of the First Video Camera Recorder?

Just wonder about the advancement in technology.

From the size of a piano to now on every mobile phone, Technology did change a lot.

6. Alexa has an ear!

Wait! wait! wait, not the one like we human have, but Alexa does hear your conversation all the time.

That's a scary fact about technology, but Alexa stores your data into the cloud to improve your Alexa experience, which you can delete manually, either individually or in bulk.

But, Alexa is not the only one, Siri too has an ear!.

7. What was used to make the first computer mouse

The computer mouse was invented in 1964 by Doug Engelbart. He used wood to make the first mouse ever and named it mouse because of the cord that came out from the back.

8. Do you plug in your USB wrong every time?

Don't worry, you are not the only one, 86% of people in the world plug their USB Upside down.
This brought me relief.

9. What was the first thing ever to be scanned?

A packet of Chewing gum. Norman Joseph Woodland received his patent for Barcode in 1952, and it is still used as the universal product code throughout the world.

10. Would you like to get operated with a Surgeon who is a gamer?

Yes, this is really interesting, surgeons that grew up playing video games for 3 hrs a week, make 37% less error, not only this, they also have a completion rate 42% faster when it comes to laparoscopic surgery.

11. Apple iTunes has weird terms and conditions.

Apple iTunes has a weird Terms and Condition, it confirms that you will not use it to make nuclear weapons. That's a scary fact about Technology.

12. What do you use Google for?

It has been observed that 97% of people use google just to see if the spelling is right or wrong. 

Have you done it? At least I am among that 97%.

13. Android is Biased.

Android is gender-specific, yes! the word android actually means a human with a male robot appearance.

'Gynoid' is the female equivalent of this word.

14. Mark Zuckerberg is color blind.

This is the reason for Facebook to be blue in color. 

The founder of Facebook Mark Zukerberg has red-green color blindness, blue is the most prominent color visible to him. 

15. How much of the world's currency is in digital form?

You would be surprised to know that about 90% of the global currency is in Digital form.

That is a lot of money, But the world is getting digitalized.

16. Where are the Tech products usually tested?

Ever thought of this? New Zealand is the country where all the testing is done, due to its diversity in English speaking residents.

But, that is not the only reason!, Being so isolated the news of a product falling won't spread out very fast. That's interesting.

17. Why is the clock always set to 9:41 in every iPhone advertisement?

You would be surprised by the fact, that all iPhone, iPad advertisement shows 9:41 in it.

It's because the 41-minute presentation that Steve Jobs gave in the first iPhone launch was planned perfectly and the first photo of the iPhone showed 9:41 at exactly 9:41 am.

18. Humans are not the only ones responsible for internet traffic.

Near about 51% of internet traffic is not because of humans. Spammers, Hacking programs, bots, and phishing comprises over 30% of internet traffic.

19. What is the most commonly used password?

You guessed it right, 123456, 12345, and password are the most commonly used passwords, and let me tell you they are the weakest password commonly used. 

So, be careful while choosing your password next time.

20. Are machines trained to predict a heart attack?

Yes, there is a machine that can predict heart attacks with 80% accuracy. Researchers have trained an ML algorithm that can actually predict a heart attack.

21. Can AI  predict epidemics?

Researchers were able to create an AI that is capable of determining the outbreak of epidemics such as dengue fever with an accuracy of over 87%.

Let's hope that this can be further extended to predict more deadly outbreaks like COVID, Ebola, and others.

22. How dangerous do you think the first computer virus was?

A computer virus can actually be so harmful to destroy all your data, but do you know that the First Virus ever created was actually 'Harmless'.

It actually just displayed a message: "I am the creeper, catch me if you can!".

23. Do you think Bitcoins are unlimited?

It's commonly believed that unlimited bitcoins can be mined, but actually there are only 21 million bitcoins that can be mined in total.

Even being a Digital currency it has a limit and mined only in limited access.

24. Are the technical degrees really helpful?

Technology is growing at a faster rate and thus this has led to the growth in technological information which almost doubles every two years.

25. Thousands of technology vanish every year.

Over 220 million old computers and other devices are thrown away every year just in the United States.
Just imagine the rapid growth of technology.

So, These were some interesting facts about technology, I hope you enjoyed them. Some are scary, some are fun and some interesting, that's how technology is, and we have been adapted to it so easily. Do comment down below your favorite fact, and share it with your friends. Also, check out my article on the top 10 latest technology that you should be aware of in 2020.
Some Interesting Facts about Technology that will leave you amazed. Some Interesting Facts about Technology that will leave you amazed. Reviewed by Abhishek Yadav on June 14, 2020 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Your all facts were amazing bro! Mouse, Android, Apple facts is most interesting one.


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