What is Nanotechnology? | Advantages and Disadvantages | Use and Benefits |

what is nanotechnology?

Hello and Welcome to yet another blog, and today we are going to discuss a very unique technology in the world of science, called Nanotechnology. In this blog, we will know, what is Nanotechnology? What is the use of this technology? What is the history of nanotechnology? Advantages and disadvantages and we will try to know all about nanotechnology in detail. Ever since human civilization was born, development has greatly influenced human life, science has changed human life. The way science and technology are increasing day by day, imagine how our world will be after 100 years from today, we cannot even imagine. So, stay with me to know everything about Nanotechnology.

History of Nanotechnology

Nearly 60 years ago, a very famous physicist named Richard Fineman said in one of his lectures in 1959 that, "there is plenty of room at the bottom". If the technology is to be made properly, then one has to enter the atom and work on the Nanoscale (1nanometer = 0.000000001m). Due to this speech, researchers from all over the world started working on nanotechnology. At that time there were not good tools to work on this technology, but the dream that Richard had dreamed of today seems to be continuously fulfilling. The term nanotechnology was first coined by Japanese physicist Norio Taniguchi in 1974.

What is nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology is composed of two words. (1) Nano (2) Technology

Nano: It is derived from a Greek word nános meaning dwarf (dwarf or micro) so small that it cannot be seen with naked eyes.

Technology: Technology means to develop human life by inventing new materials, devices, and new methods using the principles of science. Nano, under the International System of Measurement of Science, refers to one billionth part, one billionth of a meter (1 nanometer = 10-9 m) is called one nanometer, micrometer larger than a nanometer. The thickness of a human hair is 80000 nanometers, the diameter of a molecular molecule is 0.1nm, the diameter of a virus is 100 nanometers. A tennis ball is as big as a nanometer, compared to the earth, so now you must have understood how small a nanometer is. If you say in simple terms what is nanotechnology? So, going to the atomic level of a substance and engineering it, substances used in this technology are called nanomaterials (e.g. silver nano, carbon nanotube, silica fullerene, photocatalyst, etc.). The smaller the material, the stronger and durable it is, because of the material that is engineered into molecules and atoms.

Let us know a little more about nanotechnology.

Just as coal and diamond are both made of carbon molecules, but both are different in appearance because this is because the properties of the molecules of the two differ, the carbon molecules of coal are a little far away, whereas the carbon molecules of the diamond are very far away. Due to its proximity, diamonds shine, and strength is high. Similarly, if we change the structure of an object, it can change its structure, shape, and size.

Nanotechnology in India

India is still far behind in the field of nanotechnology, because there is no separate department of this technology in India, so that research on nanoscience cannot be done properly. But considering the advantages of nanotechnology, India is also slowly moving towards this technology and will be ahead in the coming times. Developed countries like the US and Japan are far ahead in nanotechnology.

Uses and benefits of nanotechnology

There are many benefits from this technology. The 21st century is going to be the century of nanotechnology, this technology is being used in almost all fields like - Nanotechnology in chemistry, bioscience, physics, materials science, medical science, engineering, neuroscience, can be used in various fields such as health agriculture. If the potential of nanotechnology is used properly it can bring a new future to human life.

When computers were made around 1970-75, it used to be quite big but with the use of nanotechnology, we never thought that computers can be made as small as matches. With this technology, the size of the processor, memory, RAM in the computer can be reduced. By using nanotechnology, such mini microchips can be made which can collect a large amount of information.

Nanotechnology was only a principle fifty years ago, today it has revolutionized medical science, electronics, and other fields. With this use, like Nanorobots can be prepared which can go inside the body and cure diseases.

Nanotechnology can be used in the textile industry, in making medicines, in making corrosion-resistant goods, can make weapons better for the soldiers of the country, using nanotechnology to detect nano robots as small as a fly, or a mosquito, the enemy's whereabouts can be detected.

Nano coating over material can prevent dust and dirt from getting dirty so that the vehicles, toilet seats used in the house will never get dirty. The best example of this is in nature, you must have seen the duck and lotus in ponds, the wings of the duck are never wet with water because nature has put a nanofilm on it.

Disadvantage of Nanotechnology

There is also a lot of damage from nanotechnology. Nanoparticles of substances like lipstick, sunscreen creams, prepared with nanotechnology can affect the hemoglobin molecules, by entering the blood from the skin, which can affect our health.

The use of nanotechnology can deteriorate the synergy between humans and nature. Scientific research has shown that nanoparticles can adversely affect humans and other living organisms, such as excessive intake of carbon nanotubes, can cause cancer-like diseases. If a weapon made with nanotechnology gets caught in the wrong hands, then human life can be threatened.


In view of the disadvantage of nanotechnology, we should think wisely in this field or else it can spoil the whole nature including human life. If we use science and technology properly then we can improve the future. I hope you enjoyed reading this article and found something interesting. Do follow us on social media platforms, thankyou.

What is Nanotechnology? | Advantages and Disadvantages | Use and Benefits | What is Nanotechnology? | Advantages and Disadvantages | Use and Benefits | Reviewed by Abhishek Yadav on July 18, 2020 Rating: 5

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